
Always the highest price. Sold within 24 hours.

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Always the highest price. Sold within 24 hours.

Quickly sell your vehicle
What type of vehicle do you want to sell?
We negotiate for you
Direct money in your account
No hassle and fuss
We negotiate for you Money directly into your account No discussions, no negotiations

Sell your car quickly
without a hassle?

Want to sell your car without hassle, bargaining and test drives? Looping.nl will help you sell your car quickly and successfully.

  • #1 highest-rated selling site in the Netherlands
  • Informed throughout the entire process with your unique track & trace code
  • Largest dealer network in the Netherlands, without auction principle
  • A fair price for your vehicle, free and no-obligation
Sefa, director
"Our dealer network spans across the Netherlands"
Sefa, director

Your vehicle sold within 24 hours 🎢

Sell your vehicle in 4 easy steps

Register your vehicle

Fill out the application form as completely as possible. We'll provide you with a good and fair offer, quickly. You aren't committed to anything!

We will get in touch

Your personal sales specialist will contact you to review your application. He or she will immediately begin to search for a suitable buyer.

The negotiation

Your sales specialist will look for a buyer, in our professional network. When he or she has received a suitable offer, it will be presented to you.

The sale

If you agree to the offer, we'll start the sale. Your unique track & trace link will keep you informed, the entire selling process!

what our customers say

Sell your vehicle quickly

Do you want to sell your vehicle? We'll arrange everything for you, quickly and hassle-free. There are other options, it's up to you. With Looping.nl you can sell your vehicle within 24 hours and receive your money directly into your account.

  • Personalized from sign-up to sale
  • We negotiate on your behalf
  • Large network of prospective buyers
  • Free and without obligation
  • A fair price for your vehicle
411 reviews
Dealership or market place
  • Lack of expertise and network
  • Lots of competition from vendors
  • Lots of negotiations and time-consuming
  • Strangers at your door

Sell your vehicle quickly and without hassle
Enter your license plate number here and let us do all the work for you!
Sell your vehicle at lightning speed
We need a valid license plate!
Continue without license plate

The advantages of Looping

Looping is the best rated sales platform in the Netherlands. We sell everything on wheels. We don't use a car auction. Dealers and interested parties don't outbid each other. We have a great dealer network (mostly RDW recognized). And we know which vehicles they're interested in. We offer them your car, motorcycle, motorhome, caravan or other vehicle in a targeted manner. We handle the negotiations, so you don't have to. If you sell your vehicle yourself, you'll have to do all this yourself. From publishing your vehicle online, to arranging test drives and negotiating the price. Don't feel like doing this? Because you want convenience and no hassle? We genuinely understand that at Looping.nl. Register your vehicle, fill in the details and take good pictures. Then you will be assigned a contact person. This person will take care of everything for you. He or she will come back to you with a fair price for your vehicle. If you agree, the money will be in your account in no time! We can't make selling a vehicle any easier!

  • We negotiate a fair price for you
  • Largest dealer network in the Netherlands, without auction principle
  • Personal: from registration to sale

Quickly sell your vehicle

Look no further, at Looping an enthusiastic team of experienced sales specialists are ready to help you. We take all the work out of your hands to sell your vehicle quickly and hassle-free.

After you have agreed to the offer made on your vehicle, you will receive a sales agreement via email. This contains all the details of the buying company. After receiving the sales agreement, this company will contact you to make an appointment for delivery. Of course you can also contact them yourself to make an appointment or arrange this through your personal sales specialist. He or she will also make an appointment for you to bring the vehicle to the buying company or for them to pick it up. In both cases you will receive your money and registration certificate immediately!

Through our intensive cooperation with our existing network of strictly selected approved companies, our sales specialists know where to get your vehicle sold fastest and for the best possible price. This can take between 1 and 14 days but usually we sell a vehicle within 1 to 2 days.

This can be done by contacting your personal sales specialist by phone. He or she will then change the information. You can also get in touch through one of the other contact options.

No, you are not obligated to anything. Our service is completely free and without obligation! Only after your agreement and the conclusion of a sales contract are you obligated to sell your vehicle through our mediation. Cancelling the sale is possible. There is a cancellation fee. You cannot appeal to the right of withdrawal, this only applies to people who buy something over the Internet, in this case you are the seller. See our terms and conditions for more information on canceling after a sales contract has been made.

You can always register your vehicle with us, even if your vehicle has damage and/or (technical) defects. We also work together with companies who are looking for vehicles with damage and/or (technical) defects. In this case it is very important that the (technical) defects and/or damage are described in as much detail as possible. It is also a good idea to include photos that show these defects in full. This makes it easier for us to sell your vehicle quickly and for the right price!

Our sales specialists do everything they can to realize a successful sale to your satisfaction. They have years of experience in the purchase and sale of all types of vehicles and will personally guide you from A to Z in the sale of your vehicle. The goal is to completely relieve you of all the hassle that the sale normally entails.

Our experienced sales specialists mediate between you and companies regarding the buying and selling of cars, motorcycles, vans and trucks, RVs and other vehicles. After registering, we offer your vehicle to our exclusive network of strictly selected approved companies. These can make an offer and the highest offer which is negotiated for you by your personal sales specialist will be presented to you. If you agree, we complete the sale. You can deliver your vehicle to the company concerned. You are assured of a neat and professional handling and always receive the registration certificate and your money immediately!

Yes. Using our service, both registering your vehicle and the actual sale of your vehicle is completely free. Also, you are not tied to anything. Registering your vehicle on our website is without obligation. Only when you accept an offer and proceed to the sale are you bound to the sale of your vehicle. This will be clearly discussed and confirmed with you.

During the registration of your vehicle, we ask you to fill in personal data. We need these to inform you about the results of the negotiations. Your details are not disclosed to our affiliated companies, they only see the details of your vehicle. Only when you accept the offer, your contact details are released to the buyer and you also receive the buying company's details so that you can make an appointment for the delivery of your vehicle.

We work exclusively with a network of strictly selected, approved companies. So you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Your personal information is safe with us and will not be given to third parties. In addition, when you sell your vehicle, you will always receive your money and registration certificate immediately.

By choosing the fastest route! This route requires the fullest possible description of your vehicle and clear, recent photos. This makes it easier for us to properly present your vehicle to our member companies. Also, these companies can then make a realistic estimate of the value of your vehicle. So a good description and clear photos are very important and will help you sell your vehicle successfully!

Unable to reach the company? Please report this to our customer service at hoi@looping.nl or call 088 - 3033 999. We will then arrange an appointment between you and the company.

When you sell your vehicle, make sure that the company transfers the vehicle to its name. You must then have the complete paper vehicle registration certificate (including transfer slip) or the vehicle registration card with accompanying letter and the complete 9-digit registration code in your possession. Otherwise, the vehicle cannot be transferred. Have you lost (part of) the registration certificate? Then first apply for a replacement at the RDW. This does involve costs. All information about this can be found at www.rdw.nl.

The buying company has the right to inspect your vehicle for damage and other defects during the transfer. Therefore, it is important that your vehicle is in exactly the same condition as described at the time of registration. Does he discover something that was not communicated during the registration process? Then he may make a counter-offer. However, you are not obliged to accept this counter-offer. If the offer is rejected, you will not receive a cancellation invoice from us. We do recommend that you always contact your personal sales specialist. He or she will try to find a solution together with you.

All of our affiliated companies are RDW approved. This means that the buyer can indemnify your vehicle immediately at the time of transfer. In many cases you will receive the release certificate directly by e-mail. The transfer is immediately visible on the RDW website. Note: will the buyer pick up the vehicle? Then the indemnification process may be different. Discuss in advance how this should be arranged.

The company can pay you the amount in cash or by bank transfer. We recommend that you agree the desired payment method with the buyer in advance. In any case, the purchase price is paid during delivery. This is different in the case of a financed vehicle. You can discuss this with your personal sales specialist.

During the transfer, your vehicle is indemnified by the RDW-approved company. As proof, you will receive an RDW indemnification certificate. From that moment on, the tax authorities will automatically stop the motor vehicle tax and the excess tax paid will be refunded or possibly offset.

The indemnification certificate allows you to terminate the insurance as of the indemnification date.

You can always contact us to get all your questions answered. You can reach us at 088 - 3033 999 or at hoi@looping.nl.

We sell everything on wheels

We're Looping, we give you the roller coaster ride of a lifetime. Or rather, we make sure that selling a vehicle doesn't become a roller coaster ride with lots of ups and downs. We make sure you sell your vehicle in no time. Whether it's a car, motorcycle, caravan or motorhome, we'll sell it for you! We do this quickly, because a roller coaster goes fast, too. After registering - which is conveniently done based on your license plate number - we'll reach out to you. You get your own sales specialist, and they take all the work off your hands. Together we go through the process of registration, and we clarify the steps to take. You don't have to do anything; we take those steps for you. From offering it to a dealer who is interested, to negotiating the price. Convenient isn't it?!

Quickly sell your vehicle

Speed is something that distinguishes us. Have you registered your vehicle with Looping? Then, in no time, one of our sales specialists will be on the phone with you. He or she gamifies it to sell your car (or motorcycle, caravan, camper 😉 ) quickly and successfully. We're Looping and we sell anything on wheels, like no other.

Get ready for the ride by registering your two-, four-, six- or eight-wheeler on our platform and relax. We'll get right to work for you. Will you challenge our team to sell your vehicle?

Sell your vehicle quickly and without hassle
Enter your license plate number here and let us do all the work for you!
Sell your vehicle quickly
We need a valid license plate!
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Our super fast service

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