Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions of looping.nl

The services of looping.nl and the agreements that are concluded through us are subject to the general terms and conditions. These general terms and conditions are available on our website looping.nl. These terms and conditions are also filed with the Chamber of Commerce.

Article 1. Applicability

1.1. These general terms and conditions apply to – and form an inseparable part of – every offer, quotation, and agreement related to products and/or services of any kind to be supplied by looping.nl based in Enschede, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing.

1.2. By using the services and/or products offered by looping.nl, you automatically agree to the general terms and conditions and also declare that you have read and understood them.

1.3 Deviations from these conditions are only possible if explicitly agreed in writing by the parties.

Article 2. Definitions

2.1 In these general terms and conditions, "seller" means: any (legal) person who has offered their vehicle for sale through or via looping.nl after agreeing to the general terms and conditions and having read and understood them.

2.2 In these general terms and conditions, “buyer” means: any legally valid and RDW-recognised company that purchases vehicles through looping.nl after agreeing to the general terms and conditions and having read and understood them.

2.3 By using the services of looping.nl, both buyer and seller agree to the general terms and conditions. Both buyer and seller will handle personal data confidentially and understand that this data may not be shared with third parties.

2.4 In these general terms and conditions, “the sales agreement” means: The legally valid contract that buyer and seller enter into via looping.nl to record the specific terms and conditions regarding the vehicle to be sold, which have been agreed upon.

2.5 In these general terms and conditions, “the Offer” means: The offer that the seller receives for the vehicle they have offered for sale via looping.nl.

2.6 Before a visitor to looping.nl uses the services offered by looping.nl, they are given the opportunity to read and understand the general terms and conditions of looping.nl.

2.7 For questions or uncertainties about our General Terms and Conditions, any visitor of looping.nl can contact looping.nl orally and/or in writing for clarification.

Article 3. The Offer

3.1 The Seller receives an Offer via looping.nl for the vehicle they have offered for sale. The Offer is made based on the vehicle description provided by the seller. The vehicle description must always be completed and/or provided truthfully. If the Seller has provided an incorrect vehicle description that is detrimental to the Buyer, the Buyer has the right to withdraw the Offer.

3.2 After the Seller has received the Offer, the Seller can accept it. If the Seller accepts the Offer, the Seller enters into a Sales Agreement with the Buyer.

3.3 If the vehicle description provided by the Seller is truthful, the Buyer is not allowed to renegotiate the price during the delivery of the sold vehicle.

Article 4. Formation of the Sales Agreement

4.1 The Sales Agreement is concluded after the Offer is accepted by the Seller orally, digitally, or in writing. looping.nl is not a party to this contract.

4.2 The Buyer is obliged to take over the vehicle and pay the price agreed via looping.nl to the Seller, unless the vehicle description provided by the Seller does not correspond with the actual condition of the vehicle.

4.3 The Seller is obliged to contact the Buyer within 1 day of the conclusion of the Sales Agreement to arrange an appointment for the delivery of the vehicle.

4.4 If it is impossible to contact the Buyer, the Seller is obliged to inform looping.nl immediately by phone or email. The delivery of the sold vehicle must take place within 14 days of the conclusion of the Sales Agreement.

4.5 The Seller is obliged to make the sold vehicle available for delivery within 3 days of the conclusion of the Sales Agreement.

4.6 If the vehicle does not match the description provided by the Seller, the Buyer has the right to make a reasonable counter-offer. If the Seller does not accept this, the Buyer has the right to dissolve the Sales Agreement.

4.7 looping.nl reserves the right to withdraw the Offer at any time before or after acceptance by the Seller, without the Buyer or Seller being able to derive any rights from this.

4.8 If the Seller does not adhere to the 14-day delivery period or sells the sold vehicle to third parties, the Seller will be held liable by looping.nl and/or the Buyer. The Seller will be fined 15% of the Offer with a minimum of €250 excluding VAT.

4.9 If the Buyer does not adhere to the delivery or pick-up period or cancels the purchase without informing looping.nl, renegotiates with the Seller, commits fraud, or in any way does not adhere to the agreements made with looping.nl, the Buyer will be held liable. A procedure will be initiated for breaching the Sales Agreement and the General Terms and Conditions. In such a case, the Buyer will be fined 15% of the Offer with a minimum of €250 excluding VAT.

4.10 The Seller cannot invoke the Distance Selling Act.

4.11 All our conversations are recorded for training purposes and to monitor and secure our service and sales.

Article 5. Payment

5.1 The products, goods, and/or services offered by looping.nl are entirely free of charge for the Seller. The Seller can use the products, goods, and/or services offered by looping.nl indefinitely and free of charge.

5.2 Upon delivery of the sold vehicle, the Buyer must always pay the amount specified in the sales agreement immediately. This can be done by bank transfer or cash. In the case of a bank transfer, the Buyer must provide the Seller with proof of payment.

5.3 The Buyer is obliged to pay the costs/fee for the products, goods, and/or services provided by looping.nl within 14 days of receipt of the invoice.

Article 6. Delivery

6.1 Before proceeding with payment, the Buyer has the right to inspect the sold vehicle upon delivery to ensure it matches the description provided by the Seller.

6.2 If the Buyer finds that the vehicle description provided by the Seller does not match the actual condition of the vehicle, the Buyer has the right to make a reasonable and fair counter-offer or dissolve the Sales Agreement.

6.3 The Buyer has the right to verify that the delivered vehicle is owned by the Seller.

6.4 The Seller must be able to identify themselves with a valid ID.

6.5 The Buyer is always required to provide the Seller with a proof of indemnity immediately.

6.6 The Buyer is obliged to inspect the vehicle thoroughly. After indemnification of the car, the Buyer absolves themselves of any form of warranty.

Article 7. Privacy Policy

7.1 looping.nl complies with the Personal Data Protection Act.

7.2 looping.nl uses personal data solely to perform the services provided by looping.nl.

7.3 Personal data is not shared with or sold to third parties.

7.4 Personal data is only stored in the Database of looping.nl.

7.5 looping.nl uses cookies.

Article 8. Copyright

All rights reserved. No part of the data published on this website may be reproduced, stored in an automated data file, and/or made public, in any form or by any means, whether electronic, mechanical, by photocopying, recording, or any other way, without the express prior written permission of looping.nl. The use of all other copyrights, database rights, and other intellectual property rights related to the services and products of looping.nl also belong to looping.nl and are expressly reserved.

The use of brand and product names of looping.nl in search engine-targeted texts is also not permitted. looping.nl applies an active and strict policy in controlling unsolicited reproduction or misuse of materials of products and/or services provided by looping.nl and will always take legal action in case of infringement.

Article 9. Law

Dutch law applies to all offers, agreements, and quotations related to products and/or services provided by looping.nl. All legal proceedings will be adjudicated by the competent court in the Netherlands.

Article 10. Complaints

Both Buyer and Seller can email complaints to hoi@looping.nl addressed to the management.